Well, the Radio Station guy came over during the weekend and I haven't heard from him. I got the sense that it was out of their price range, but also there were other factors. The Christian radio station where he just joined, completed their Sharathon in which they raise their budget. They earned about 570,000 but are short over 230,000. So I am not certain that his job is real stable at this time. SO I am praying for him!
But, Today is the day in which our house listing has been on the market for 6 months. Therefore, we had to decide to list again or to do it on our own. OR RENT???? So, we have decided to list again and open up to the idea of renting. Praying we get some movement over the weekend! My God is able.
Greg moved in to the new house on post in Atlanta on Wed. He is so much happier there. But, he is concerned about the size (it is quite small in comparison to where we live now). But, we are able to handle it for only a short time (2 years or less). Bekah goes off to college in 10 months (AHHHHH!@!!!!!!) and so we should be fine! We are just looking foward to being able to be together, be on the military post and homeschooling again! Halleluiah!